Friday, July 30, 2010

Trip to Cancun, Mexico

Randy, Megan, and I have been to Cancun on July 21-24, 2010. It was a short trip but good enough for us. We had a very nice room with a beautiful view. :)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bobby on-line

I finally got time to get in touch and blog in.

Joanna and Gregg are doing well. Gregg graduated to the three-year-old class in his pre-school and is adjusting very well to being with the "big kids." Gregg is growing rapidly and when I get home on Friday's, it appears he has grown at least a centimeter. Is has been counting for several months now and is reading quite well. It's fun listenting to him read the signs on the road when we are driving. He has to be involved in EVERTHING; he has to be the one to open house and car doors, answer the phone(s), turn on the TV, ect...

Its been a really busy summer for me here at APG and it doesn't appear to be getting slower. I will be on the road alot and Joanna and Gregg will be here at APG quite a bit for the next few weeks. We are thinking about moving to here to APG, Joanna and I both love the area but we will see what happens before we decide on where we want to homestead.

I learned that Jimmika and her family will be in NYC later this week. We linked-up with them last summer when they were here. We dont have any firm plans of yet, but I am sure we will think of something interesting and fun.

Thursday, July 1, 2010